Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Bay Area –Durga Puja Parikrama


I recently moved in to Bay Area from the UK and absolutely loving it. The biggest advantage is the weather of course. Its sunny most of the days and warm too. If you have been to UK you know sunny weather does not necessarily means warm too. It is now mid October and I can still go out in a light jacket which is unthinkable in the UK. To top it all I just enjoyed Durga puja here. It is in a much bigger scale than the ones I have attained in the UK.

Initially I thought there is only one puja in the Bay area but I couldn't have been more wrong. There are at least 5 places where Durga puja was celebrated, if not more. Some of them celebrate all five days of the puja and rest do it in the weekend. I tried to cover as many as possible but could do only three of them. Here are some pictures for you to enjoy.

Prabasi Pujo







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There are few other pujos that I couldn’t make it but next time I will be there.

Livermore Tempel Durga Puja

Fremont Hindu Temple Durga Puja


  1. Thanks a lot for sharing these beautiful clicks,very pleasant to eyes.

  2. Wow!!! Its a great feeling to know you are enjoying the LIFE there...I know how its like living in UK.... Its starting to rain now here...But Its GOD's grace this summer was truly summer here as well.... Anyways wishing you lots of luck and happiness....ENJOY :-)

